Audrey Mae SpencerSpencer Historical CemeteryHenry Straight / William Spencer Family Cemetery
Vaughn Historical CemeterySpencers of East Greenwich, RI
26 August 2005

Heather: A penny for your thoughts?

“I’ve got no thoughts, but what are you saying?”

(Heather: Do you like it here at Kent?)


(Heather:  What do you like about it?”)

“It’s peaceful.  It’s quiet and nobody fighting with everybody else.  Everybody seems to be sensible.”

(Heather:  What do you like best about your room?)

(Looking up toward the framed hat box cover with a stylist shoe that Deardra put on the wall by Mother’s bed) “Elegance” Mother read.

(Heather:  Mother,  I’m trying to call Deardra to tell her that you liked her choice of decor, but she’s not home.)

“Well, I’m home.  You can call me.”

(Heather:  A penny for your thoughts?)

“This blue pillow.  I wonder how much this is.  Do you consider this whole building yours?”

(Heather:  Do you consider this your home?)

“No, because I don’t own it”.

(Heather:  But you rent it? Do you like it here? [Audrey gives a neutral response.]

“I wonder how…(end of thought) Do you own this house?”

(Heather:  Everything on this side of the room is yours (pointing to the corner, window).

6 June 2014
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On Permanent Loan

Physical Location of Art Pieces and Historic Documents:

Audrey was in the possession of many of her original art pieces as well as many of her ancestors’ original historical documents. Many of these pieces have been professionally framed and on display as wall covering.

These arts pieces and documents are not all kept in one place, but have been given to various descendants (aka document caretakers) on a permanent loan basis. Plans are for Audrey’s work  to be part of a New England Women Artist of the Thirties collection.

The following list will be updated if and when the housing of different archival pieces are relocated.


Information to be added at a later date.