Audrey Mae SpencerSpencer Historical CemeteryHenry Straight / William Spencer Family Cemetery
Vaughn Historical CemeterySpencers of East Greenwich, RI

Posts Tagged Ernie

3 December 2002

Heather: Well, how is your December going?

Audrey Mae MacDonald and daughter Deardra at Thanksgiving

Audrey: I am looking out the window and watching the birds. There are 30-40 birds.  I can count 10-12 every minute. I am looking out to the feeder and there are snowbirds and a red cardinal, at least five flying up and down. There is a brown one with a sharp beak and that bird is as big as a blue jay.  It is all brown but I don’t know what he is called.  He likes suet!! I had my back yard loaded with birds (at the 420 East Greenwich Avenue house) and Dad was so mad. The birds made such a mess.

It snowed and everything is so pretty off the trees, on the ground. It is pretty clean! Buddy’s feet hurt in the snow, so Ernie had to carry him back.

I went with Spen and Brenda to Lisa’s house. Lisa has a nice place to live. Everyone seems so well off. Doug called and he is busy with water aerobics.I went to Deardra’s home and Stephanie’s boyfriend’s father and his brother were there. Robert makes such a big turkey dinner. Stephanie’s friends kept coming in. Stephanie’s got a good job. She dresses pretty and looks really pretty.

I think that kids today do not need to get married. They do not need to do this or that. They can be independent. It is best not to have kids and be independent.

19 February 2003

Heather: Hello, Mother, I hear you have a lot of snow in New England!

MaryJane Vaughn Spencer and William J.B. Spencer at their home at 742 Washington Street, Coventry, Rhode Island

John Edward Spencer

Audrey: Yes, this is the first snow like this since I was a little child. It’s the first bad snow storm since I’ve grown up. The snow is twelve inches high next to the wall, but the streets are all right. Ernie shoveled by the door and Buddy went out and got stuck—he hopped and wiggled a little. (Laughter)

When we lived on the farm, we had to shovel a path to the outhouse. When we moved to Anthony (742 Washington St. in Coventry), we had a bathroom in the house! I was twelve years old and I moved from the country to the town! The Anthony house had one acre of land, I think. We had a garage, a barn, a hen yard and little building and shops. Spencer was a baby then and I can remember uncle Ed come down and took a bath and steam would come out of the bathroom.

Mother, she never would run down anybody. Mother was a very peaceful person. She, unfortunately, let everybody run all over her. She was a quiet woman, never opened her mouth. She liked to be called MaryJane, not Mary or Jane. She was a sweet, gentle person who was friends with all ladies around, even Annie Mertz and Lizzie.

Now Father was quiet but stern. Nobody got away with anything. He led a quiet life. He joined the Sons of Veterans and was busy doing things with Freddie Arnold. I never heard him holler at anybody. He had a nice quiet life. Once a week he played cards. He would milk the cow every day and a Mr. Smith came daily to get a quart of milk. They would talk for about an hour.

As for me, when I was a child, I would sit there and draw from the funnies in the newspaper. I drew Lillie the toiler*. She was so pretty.

Audrey: When are you coming out here again?

(Heather: I plan to be in R.I., for your birthday, March 19th.)

* (Crystal’s explanation of Tillie the Toiler: Tilly the Toiler is the name of the lady that Mom designed outfits for. She  found Tilly in a magazine or newspaper.  It may have been an advertisement for ladies clothes or a cartoon. I’m not aware of any paper or magazine around in 1924 to validate where Tilly the Toiler came from.)

28 February 2004

Heather: How is life at Alpine?

Audrey: Amber brought over the larger bookcase that Ernie made. He did a beautiful job. She put it in the trunk of her car. The bookcase is beautiful. Ernie made a shelf for my telephone and a place for the wires to go through the back and not get all tangled up in the front. It like a little desk and all I have to do is reach for the phone.

Amber, she has a great mind for thinking things out. She put the bookcase between my bed and the wall next to the window. I still have a clear path to the sink land beyond. Amber worked all day getting everything in order. My books from Emily Dickinson to the Dictionary are all in order. The picture of the (historical) graveyard is set up. She brought cardboard boxes that hold my beautiful cards from Edith. Edith always sent me beautiful cards. She has my bulletin board all set up with pictures. I couldn’t be happier. She set up Belinda’s picture as a nurse. Belinda loves to study and hopes to he a surgeon. I can’t wait! Doctor Belinda!

13 March 2004

Heather: Hello, Mother. How have you been?

Audrey: Without this wheelchair (companion chair, light weight transit chair with four small wheels), I’d be in jail. I’m rocking back and forth constantly. I never sit still. It gives me a little walk. My knees push me back and forth. It gives me so much freedom. This chair goes everywhere. This little chair is an extension of me. The bending of my knees get plenty of exercise.

I enjoy my life. I loved my babies. I feel bad that I don’t have a baby in my arms.

Ernie made me this nice bookcase desk and I have my Emily Dickinson’s books. I like to read so that keeps me busy. It is such a beautiful sunny day. Amber, she bops in every other thing. There was a man playing a guitar (here at Alpine Nursing Home). There are always activities here.

14 August 2004

Heather: Yes, we had to get you a new phone. The other one decided to cut you off more than have you talk. (laughter) Is this photo phone just the same as the other one?

Audrey: Yes, I believe so. It’s wonderful to have you call.

The lanky guy (Alpine’s custodian) is out cleaning up the yard. He seems to always be working. Crystal and Ernie took me around outside and put in my new phone. I’ve had a lovely time, going around, doing everything. I even eat breakfast in bed.