20 July 2003
Heather: Good, I’ll call every Saturday morning as I do not work on Saturdays and we can talk until your hand gets tired. I used to enjoy hearing Grampa(William J.B. Spencer) talk about the olden days. Tell me something about your childhood.

MaryJane Vaughn Spencer
Audrey: My mother (MaryJane [née Vaughn] Spencer) always drank tea. We always had tea. There was a white dish with a handle always sitting on top of the stove with the tea. It was not a teapot. It always had tea in it, however. I never knew what coffee was until I was married. Dad’s folks drank coffee. I liked coffee. I thought it was good.
Mother had an old wooden box that played the records—the round plate record. She would put the needle on the record. The handle had a needle on the edge. Mother played the song “Yama Yama Man” and it scared me to death. I was a quiet kid. I never talked with anybody, not even to Aunt Mandy.
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