Audrey Mae SpencerSpencer Historical CemeteryHenry Straight / William Spencer Family Cemetery
Vaughn Historical CemeterySpencers of East Greenwich, RI
19 October 2003

Heather: Is life easier here at Alpine Nursing Home than living with Crystal’s family?

Audrey: Life is easier.  Poor Crystal couldn’t take care of me. I was happy to be home but Crissey, she can’t take care of me. She deserves to be free to come and go.
I am glad I am not a burden to any of my children now. I have a nice place here at Alpine. They take good care of me. I’m feeling good. I have no pain. I take long naps. I enjoy sleeping. I wouldn’t go back for anything. Crystal and I laugh about the “boring chair” that I named boring because I was always sitting in it. My boring chair here at Alpine moves faster than I do. I’m healthy enough. I ride around everywhere. This is a beautiful chair (the companion chair). It moves so easily. Every which way I turn, it moves so easily. I just go out in the hall.

Audrey's thoughts, Conversations, Life at Alpine Nursing Home ,

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