Audrey: There was an old man who lived in the country. His livelihood was killing pigs.*
*Crystal, Audrey’s second daughter, emailed me to say the following: “the man who killed the pigs was old man Irons. His daughter Isabelle Irons went to Shepherd of the Valley Church. She was about 85 years old in 1970. She never married. I remember when he came to the house and shot the pig, Pinky. Pinky was a big fat pink pig. So cute. Vaughn was a baby in the crib in the back room. We were supposed to stay in the room, so we wouldn’t see what was going on. But you know me, I had to peek. I looked out the window and saw the pig fall down. I remember crying. You and Deardra were there too (but you two didn’t peek!), I never knew that we ate the pig. Thank God! I can remember it like it was yesterday.
Conversations, Married Life with Seven Children
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