Audrey Mae SpencerSpencer Historical CemeteryHenry Straight / William Spencer Family Cemetery
Vaughn Historical CemeterySpencers of East Greenwich, RI
11 September 2004

Dates and Places of Audrey Mae’s Weekly Conversations for the original publications::

The original publication of “Glimpses of the Past: Morning Conversations with Audrey”, Audrey’s memoirs, covers Audrey’s weekly phone conversations with her daughter from the time period beginning June 12, 2002 and ending September 4, 2004. The only exception was sadly no phone calls between mother and daughter in March, April, May and June of 2003 when Audrey moved to Alpine and did not have a phone.

Date of Book Party Celebration for above printed book:

On October 3, 2004, Audrey’s family and friends planned a “Glimpses of the Past: Morning Conversations with Audrey” Book Party Celebration for Audrey at Alpine Nursing Home in Coventry, Rhode Island.

Conversations, Conversations Sequel