26 August 2005
(later conversation but exact time or date not recorded–except Friday evening–but definitely in this time frame)
“How many horses?”
(Heather (speaking calmly and strongly): The horses are all in the barn. There is no need for us to worry.)
“Are their heads sticking out?”
(Heather (speaking calmly and strongly): Yes, Mother. There is no need for us to worry.)
“I just want to see the boys.”
(Heather: What boys?)
“Do they go by here? No, I’m the mother of a boy and I want her boys to stand right up there, so they will know you have a boy.”
(Heather: Mother, did you cry all your life?)
“I’ve cried my heart out since I was 90. I didn’t cry at all. I’m crying now because everything is upside down. I don’t think things are going right for me. Wait a minute and maybe we will see. When…I don’t think its going right. Maybe it is.”