Audrey Mae SpencerSpencer Historical CemeteryHenry Straight / William Spencer Family Cemetery
Vaughn Historical CemeterySpencers of East Greenwich, RI
Conversations Sequel
28 July 2005

(Later in the same day)

“Is Grandpa asleep?”

(Mother’s roommate at Kent had a deep voice and was hard of hearing, so she would shout instead of talk.  It was quite a while before I realized that Mother thought her roommate was a man and therefore thinking the person must be Grandpa.  Also, this substantiated my thought that Mother’s eyesight was very poor,)

“I’m so sleepy.  I’m so sleepy.  It’s dark in here.”

(Heather:  Mother, but the lights are on and it is light outside.)

“I see a man, by the window.  In front of the window.”

(Heather:  Mother, there is no one there. We are safe.)

“What are you going to do?  I’ve got to feed the horses.  Where are the horses?  They’ve got to eat.  The horses are cold.  There are three horses. Where are the horses?  I’ve got to see them. Open the gate. Go to the door.”

(Again when Audrey was confused she would revert back to her fears in her childhood when the horses would get out.  If the farmer did not have his horses, there was no help to plow the fields and there was no transportation. Not living the agrarian life anymore, Mother’s comments give us insight into the realities of life as it was on the farm.)

29 July 2005

(At 4PM a staff member called Crystal as Mother was crying) Crystal: Mother, you are in a no crying club.

(Mother stopped crying and another resident told Crystal “Your mother is quite an actress.”)

30 July 2005

(approximate date because exact date not documented in notes) Heather: Today is Saturday. Do you want to go to Bingo?

“Is Douglas going?

(Heather:  Douglas is not here today.)

“Oh, he isn’t here?”

(Saturday 1 PM)  “You try to get Violet (Violet Kettelle) over and take her once in a while.  Grandma (pronounced Gramma)  likes Violet and takes her over”.

(Violet, Audrey’s older cousin, had died earlier, but Audrey was never told and, therefore, was not at the funeral.)

1 August 2005

Doug visiting Mother at Kent Regency

“Take me to the hospital.  I can’t walk.”

15 August 2005

Again from California I called Kent Regency so a staff member would answer Mother’s ATEL speaker phone (Rhode Island Adaptive Equipment Loan Program) for Audrey. Mother enjoyed talking with me on the speakerphone. Exact date of–end of summer–call is approximate only. Heather: Hello Mother, This is Heather calling from California. How are you doing today?

“We have been having lot of fun with telephone.  Everybody wants to try it out…He is an expert…Bye, Heather.”

23 August 2005

(Tuesday evening, Spen and Doug walk into Audrey’s room at Kent

“What are you all here for?”

(Heather:  Spen, Doug and I are here for your quarterly meeting for you.  Every resident here meets with the staff every three months.)

(Spencer:  Vaughn and I were in a tractor pull.  Guess who won?)

“You’re the oldest, so maybe you ought to win.”

(Spencer:  Vaughn won!)


24 August 2005

Heather: What are their names?

“I’m so tired, I can’t think.”

“Poke him, so I’ll know I’m taking another swallow.”

(Crystal had just brought in a Starbuck for Mother and I and the above comment was Mother’s way of asking Doug if he wanted some of the Starbucks.  Again, Audrey had difficulty expressing the correct words.)

(Audrey’s eyesight was not good. Apparently, she may have been seeing double.  When she saw Douglas, she said:

“Which one are you? (as she turned her head slightly from side to side)

(Date not recorded on above observation.)

24 August 2005

Heather: Mother, why are you crying?

“I was singing, and all of a sudden, I stopped.  Then I was singing sad, and I don’t know why. I don’t want to cry, and cause all that trouble.”

25 August 2005

(When Heather arrived in the morning)

“Sit down and stay.”

” Are you hungry?”

26 August 2005

(I arrived in the morning and the aide said Mother had been crying) Heather: Mother, why are you crying?

“I have a broken heart.”

(Mother would or could not explain why.)

(Heather:  Mother, what are you thinking?)

“How we can get along?  Well, I want to stay together.  I don’t want to be yanked away.”

(Heather:  Mother, the staff will not take you away from your company.  They like you to have visitors here.  They will not tell me to leave.)

“Yves [a certified nurses aide at Kent Regency], he is going to give me a book.  I think that is what he said.”