Audrey Mae SpencerSpencer Historical CemeteryHenry Straight / William Spencer Family Cemetery
Vaughn Historical CemeterySpencers of East Greenwich, RI
3 July 2004

Heather: Who has visited you lately?

Audrey: I see Vaughn all the time. We had a walk around. He took me in my (companion) chair on the cement sidewalk. (We had) flashlights and looked at everything. I see people all the time. It’s nice and sunny. Everybody keeps coming and going.

I won twenty five cents at Bingo. I have a special smaller table in the art gallery dining room.

Dawn has a boyfriend in Florida. She has a brand new house. Spen and Carol are up in New Hampshire. It’s nice and sunny as it can be. Amber, she pops in every once in a while.  She gets my books in the right places.


Conversations, Life at Alpine Nursing Home , , , ,